First-Hand Aid's Fresh new look


Well isn't this exciting!  A new look and a fresh start to a great organization that has touched me in many profound ways.  I met Marco many years back by chance meeting on board of a plane departing Havana.  Medicine has always intrigued me and after speaking with Marc I was destined to somehow be involved with his great charity.  The picture in this blog entry is a photograph I took on my first mission in Cuba with Marc.  Every time I see it it reminds me of the great effort and love that has been poured into this organization and thus I chose it to be in the opening page of this website.

As the new webmaster I encourage all sorts of feedback and suggestions from our readers.  This is an ongoing labor of love and in conjunction with Marc and the rest of the board we will continue to make improvements to this site.  You can always reach me at

Fuerte Abrazo to everybody!

Ricardo Martinez