
Your donation can make the difference in the everyday lives of Cuban children and families. Your tax-deductible gift can help feed seniors, give medication to children with cancer, and provide supplies to families in need. Thank you for supporting First-Hand Aid and the families and children of Cuba.

We have several options on how you may contribute:

2 Meals/Day for 35 Disabled Cubans in Havana

Cubans face many hardships throughout their lives in Cuba. Food rations are meager and food is much more difficult to come by in Cuba when you're disabled. Our organization has taken on the task of providing two meals a day, each day, for 35 disabled Cubans. The people that we provide for have no possible way of finding meals on their own, due to physical and/or mental impairments. Click the Link below to take you to our campaign page.


With Square you have your option of selecting the amounts that you would like to contribute.  The payment process is simple and it uses the most up to data security means to ensure your personal data is protected.
